Charlottesville, Trump, and the Growing Divide

My Facebook post after the tragic fiasco in Charlottesville garnered more than a little pushback. Most of it dealt with my contention that Trump’s comment about the hatred, bigotry and violence coming from “all sides” (his words) was “ill-timed” (my words) and further that his overall handling of the growing controversy surrounding racialism has fallen…

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The Trumpet Sounds…with Wah-Wah Effect

It’s possible that 2016 will go down as the most bizarre, polarizing, conventional-wisdom-shattering presidential election in our nation’s two hundred and forty year history. It has brought together so much in the way of synchronicities, oddballs, schisms, drama, corruption, scandals, pratfalls and fodder for conspiracy theorists, that if it were written up as the backdrop…

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Trump as Cyrus? Really?

I have been told by more than a few sincere Christian friends that the Lord has anointed Donald Trump to be the next president. And I have seen variations of it posted in cyberspace more times now than I can count. God, the gist of it goes, has chosen an admittedly very earthy, earthen vessel…

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When the Curtain Lifts

There are moments in life when a smattering of events suddenly lock into synchronous orbit, ever so slightly lifting the curtain that divides the temporal from the eternal and granting us a deeper glimpse into the Mystery: All the world is truly a stage and each of us are players. And for those who through…

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The Perils of Voting One’s Conscience

The vast majority of people who will vote on November 8th will do so based on what their conscience tells them is right. The obvious problem here is that a large percentage of them—likely a sizeable majority—have consciences formed or at least influenced by the vagaries of fallen human reasonings and desires as well as…

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The White Oak Spoke?

This white oak, the oldest in America and more than twice as old as our nation, is dying. Under its spreading branches George Whitefield once preached to 3,000 people as the fires of the Great Awakening began to sweep across the colonies and gave rise to the experiment in Christian liberty that is America. Most…

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